Zzzz... (fakking double chin T.T)
List of tons of works!!
*Packaging : Hmmm I need to find the graphic style. I lost my fairy tale chicken as I wish to work on it at first time. guess my teacher didnt get what I explained to him but just smile *wink* :)
*Experimental : yes!!! I finally finished the FAKE INSTANT NOODLE *proud* but still have a lot of prints and graphic to work on them!! Fighting Tonkao
*Outdoor Media : stucked man stuck stuck stuck!
and Heeren MKT,when you gona reply my e-mail??...1 week alr. I think I must go there at check out the cost!!
*Freelance : This Module fullfiled my wish*** thanks a lot eventhough some clients just left ( I mean silent! then goodbye and hope to see you again ;P )
*Competition : good jobs I did 2 ;Product Design for Happy Office 2010 (lost again !) and JCube logo design...not bad for your attemp!!
*and dn forget for VISA/Air Ticket to Khunming/FMP next Module >>
Enjoy na ja Tonkao
List of tons of works!!
*Packaging : Hmmm I need to find the graphic style. I lost my fairy tale chicken as I wish to work on it at first time. guess my teacher didnt get what I explained to him but just smile *wink* :)
*Experimental : yes!!! I finally finished the FAKE INSTANT NOODLE *proud* but still have a lot of prints and graphic to work on them!! Fighting Tonkao
*Outdoor Media : stucked man stuck stuck stuck!
and Heeren MKT,when you gona reply my e-mail??...1 week alr. I think I must go there at check out the cost!!
*Freelance : This Module fullfiled my wish*** thanks a lot eventhough some clients just left ( I mean silent! then goodbye and hope to see you again ;P )
*Competition : good jobs I did 2 ;Product Design for Happy Office 2010 (lost again !) and JCube logo design...not bad for your attemp!!
*and dn forget for VISA/Air Ticket to Khunming/FMP next Module >>
Enjoy na ja Tonkao
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