Friday, November 27, 2009
Up there is only stars and sky. Right here I can stand next to U.
I love this song. Yeah I know it's Thai band called 25hours.
I wish I could had extra 1 hr if I had a chance to be with someone I love. No need to be lover only. I mean everyone I love to spend time with. My lovely family,friends. However,it will be better if I have boy friend finally...hee hee ;D
To whom I may crush on ;p
I'm the only one in the world who have no luck about romance. Always disappointment from loving someone hue hue \(T^T)/ So let say I'm not confident about this thing at all coz the past experiencessssss hee hee. Then if I'm in love with someone...definitely no one knows who I crush on hee hee except my best friends I will tell them. Like I said "You don't have to know what I feel about you,I just want to keep you in my mind"
One thing I know is I'm one of the lucky persons who has lovely friendship in everywhere I go ;D
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Making a decision
We have to make a dicision. me either
Just back from dinner with Mark,P'Pop and Nunun at Bistro
Thought that it is very formal to meet up with FM crew fro Thailand...hee hee hopefully
However P'Pop is Mark's friend and he has a design company in Thailand.
We met and talk for a while...
After that
I realize something that what I am doing,why I'm here and everyday I spend here is move forward to my goal or not.
Yeah...I must make a well life plan. However I'm not good at in it. I live my life by feeling...really I think it quite unstable I know but I really don't know how to think as a stratigic planer...sighhh
And one song just pop up now "Ta Lay Jai (Sea of mind)" ... yeah uncle Add sings "any night that you fall,any day that you like a bird following the wind...when there is no wind,you will fall into the sea of mind"
As long as I've still walked in the right track which I believe it is...
I just have to think more,concern more and plan more
Haha...coz I'm yellow and sometimes red. must find your gold heart and you will find the truth of happiness ;)
Just back from dinner with Mark,P'Pop and Nunun at Bistro
Thought that it is very formal to meet up with FM crew fro Thailand...hee hee hopefully
However P'Pop is Mark's friend and he has a design company in Thailand.
We met and talk for a while...
After that
I realize something that what I am doing,why I'm here and everyday I spend here is move forward to my goal or not.
Yeah...I must make a well life plan. However I'm not good at in it. I live my life by feeling...really I think it quite unstable I know but I really don't know how to think as a stratigic planer...sighhh
And one song just pop up now "Ta Lay Jai (Sea of mind)" ... yeah uncle Add sings "any night that you fall,any day that you like a bird following the wind...when there is no wind,you will fall into the sea of mind"
As long as I've still walked in the right track which I believe it is...
I just have to think more,concern more and plan more
Haha...coz I'm yellow and sometimes red. must find your gold heart and you will find the truth of happiness ;)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I'm sick
Here is rain everyday
Yes season has changed. I called my mom,she said Ay has been cool wana go home and feel da weather.
However here is cool also but wet! ayyy
worst thing is I'm sick and havnt finished anything esp web design coz no mood to do
Gettin sick since Friday morning but got Owen Jacket and played around ,drank hot Milo and ate Nasi Goreng...till sweat ahhh better
I could do my work more,Typo and Lay out. Hopefully,Tim approve my designs and for Ping,I almost finish yeah!! ;)
worked till late afternoon,everyone gone home...still hav the guyz up there...
moved and joined them...
watched MTV room 404...spooky
continued Ping work till the diary pages hav been finished
Me and Jay went to Nakhon...had TOM ZAPP yeah man!
TOM ZAPPP,PAD THAI,Fish Cakes and SOM TAM (Papaya Salad)....ahhh so fulllll
went pick up Sylvia and sent me home
ahhh fever came back...coldd must sleep early before getting worse than this

at FMDS 3rd floor
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